Monday, November 22, 2010


This is not easy, but I'm very close to admitting defeat. I may or may not have been defeated by a pillow this weekend. Very sad, I know. But let me give you a little background info first.

My mother is a wiz with a sewing machine, although I'm sure if you asked her she would never admit to being a wiz. She helped me with a few sewing projects when I was younger, but I can count those sewing projects on one hand. Now, in my adult life, I've become more interested in DIYing things - which this year migrated into DIYing things with fabric. So one casual convo last month with the DH, I mentioned thinking about buying a sewing machine. That casual convo turned into owing a sewing machine in about two seconds flat. What a sweet boy - he listened!

I automatically knew what I wanted to create first - a pillow. Sounded easy enough, but my ADD crafting mind apparently took an easy DIY pillow to the highest level, and the next thing I know I'm ripping up an ugly old bridesmaids dress with high pillow expectations. Yikes!

Well, I 'finished' the pillow this weekend. It looks much better un-stuffed than stuffed, which sort of defeats the purpose of a pillow. I'll share pictures of the process, and maybe the end result a little later. But for now I think I'll be giving my mother a call to see where I/my pillow went wrong, since admitting defeat isn't as easy as it sounds.

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